Goodness, it’s been tough, and still is tough, in this current climate – but our vibrant networking attendees continue to flourish. We are going through the ups and downs of life, pivoting wherever we can and cracking on with coping with the challenges that COVID-19 has brought.

NBN has had some interesting speakers over the last three weeks, including Simon Cox Marketing Manager of Poppy Design Studios who did a presentation on ‘How to Podcast’.  Simon is always happy to share his knowledge and podcasts are an extremely useful tool for networkers and everyone.  To see the presentation, visit –

Cat Randle of Kereru Media presented a very informative and interesting session on the AI Video service which she offers.  Cat shared the strategies she uses to get the most appropriate, clear message via your video to promote your business, organisation or individual interests.  To see the one created Cat created as an example for NBN visit –

We were hanging on every word as Rhonda Smith of Minerva Communications UK delivered NBN attendees a very current and insightful presentation. Rhonda’s business supports organisations across health, sustainability, food and science sectors. To see Rhonda’s presentation to NBN please click here –

NBN has been growing and attendees have been enjoying the benefits of supporting each other, sharing valuable ideas, different perspectives, information, engaging with and assisting each other.

I recently had help with completing a task for a course I am doing via Winchester University which involved a set of questions, to help me identify solutions to certain business challenges. During the process there was such a generosity of spirit to help me that I was marvelling at the benefits a magical networking group can bring to all, and in many kinds of unexpected ways. I found that it was a good experience for me and the person answering the questions with lightbulb moments flashing up through the process for us both.

I did not think I could love networking more, but I do!

Basic membership to NBN will coming in the middle of August, offering attendees the chance to have a link to their website/social media or information pages via the NBN website, as the first level of membership.  Details will be announced in the next few weeks.

Zoom meetings will continue to welcome members and non- members.

I look forward to seeing you via ZOOM, as we continue on this adventure. Please see ‘Meetings currently ONLINE’ page for registration details and links.

Keep safe and well.

Best wishes

Susan Risdale

Natural Business Network NBN